The hottest question in the business by the brand custodians and business owners to their SEO Company is, ‘How long will the SEO take to show results?’. They want to know their return on investment. SEO takes time to show results. Unlike paid advertisement that shows the results instantly but on the other side SEO works on the organic traffic, which takes time to work. However, the question remains, ‘how long?’.
Let us dive into the factors that impact SEO Success:
1. Website History: If your domain is new it will take longer to show a positive impact than the established domain. As the new domain requires time to build the authority and the backlinks. Any new domain should see the result in six to nine months while the established domain, on the other hand, shows the results within the six months. However, if the established domain has gone through some penalty, algorithm update, etc. then the results won’t be visible in the said duration.
2. Competition: the niche of your business web page is low in competition then the results will be seen far more quickly than the high competition niche. In high competition niches during the search query, the crawler will find many relevant data matched with the search query will be throw up those sites on its search page. However, with low competition niches, the crawler won’t be able to find many matches apart from yours and a few others therefore the chances of your business page getting on the first page is high.
3. Allocated resources: Time is the utmost crucial resource that you can devote to SEO. You have no control over the competition or website history. However, you can give time to the SEO strategy and tweak it accordingly to see the result.
Apart from these factors the other silos which result in SEO success are:
1. Technical SEO: This includes crawling, indexing, site speed, structured data, duplicate content, XML Sitemaps, etc. If one can resolve the issues around this area, the impact will be visible.
2. Content: Content is the top 3 ranking factor of Google search. For any query, high-quality and relevant content performs well against poor content.
3. Backlinks: another top 3 ranker in Google search is backlinks. Links serve as a vote of confidence between two or more sites. This shows that people find your content relevant to share and link to.
If you keep these factors and silos in mind and keep at it while tweaking your strategy in terms of KPIs as per your goal or objective the result which may not that fast initially will show. However, once the results start showing which can take anywhere between six months to nine months, there is no looking back. But of course, if you keep at it.
To do this you need to hire an expert SEO Company that can be dedicated to your SEO and take your business from one high to another.
Connect with our SEO website design experts today at (312) 442-0352